# Control reports

"View control reports" permission is required

To manage control reports click on the "Reports" menu item under "Control".

# Create control report

To create a new control report click on the "Create report" button.

In the dialog you can select the following criteria according to which the control report will be generated.

Criteria Description
Procedure Include control events connected to the selected procedure.
Start date Select from which date should the report be generated from.
End date Select until which date should the report be generated from.
Date resolution Select the date resolution of the report.
Departments (Optional) Include control check results only from the selected departments.
Users (Optional) Include control check results only from the selected users.

# View control report

Click on the button with the eye icon to view the control report.

# Download / export control report

To download a control report in Excel format (.xlsx extension) click on the button with the download icon .

# Remove control report

Click on the button with the trash bin icon and confirm your actions by clicking the "Remove" button in the popup window to remove the selected control report.