# Learning certificates

"Manage learning certificates" permission is required

Learning certificates are official documents that you can generate for users who successfully passed a learning campaign.

# Learning certificate templates

Learning certificate templates are used to create multiple learning certificates at the same time.

To edit learning certificate templates click on the "Certificate templates" under "Learning".

# Add learning certificate template

To add a new learning certificate template click on the "Add template" button.

In the dialog type the name of the template and upload a template file with ".docx" extension.

You can save your newly created template by clicking on the "Save" button.

# Template file markup

When generating a certificate from template Procedure Manager will replace the following texts and generate the certificate document.

Text to replace Replace with
{name} Name of the user.
{date} Date of the certificate.
{completion_date} Date when user completed the learning campaign.
{result} Success percentage result of the user.
{campaign} Name of the learning campaign.

Note: The { and } characters are mandatory.

# Edit learning certificate template

Click on the button with the pencil icon next to the name of the certificate template you want to edit.

In the edit dialog you can change the name of the certificate template and upload a template file with ".docx" extension.

You can save your modification by clicking on the "Save" button.

# Remove learning certificate template

Click on the button with the trash bin icon next to the certificate template and confirm your actions by clicking the "Remove" button in the popup window to remove the selected certificate template.

# Generate learning certificates

To generate learning certificates click on the "Certificates" menu item under "Learning".

# Generate new learning certificate

To generate new learning certificates click on the "Generate certificate" button.

In the dialog you can select the following criteria according to which certificates will be generated.

Criteria Description
Learning campaign Select based on which learning campaign's results the certificates should be generated.
Template Select which template should be used for the certificates.
Start date (Optional) Select from which date should the certificates be generated from.
End date (Optional) Select until which date should the certificates be generated from.
Users (Optional) Either generate for all users who completed the learning campaign successfully or just selected users.

To start generating certificate click on the "Generate" button.

# Download generated learning certificates

Once learning certificates has been generated you can download all of them in a ".zip" folder by clicking on the button with the download icon .

# Remove generated learning certificates

Click on the button with the trash bin icon next to the certificates and confirm your actions by clicking the "Remove" button in the popup window to remove the selected certificates.